Migrating moths are attracted to our city lights. And look to our homes and wardrobes as warm cosy spaces – particularly in August and early September.
So as the summer draws to a close – we need to step up our vigilance.
Keep wardrobes and drawers closed!
Did you know that simply keeping your wardrobe doors closed each day after you have pulled out the clothes you are wearing will prevent moths taking refuge in the dark corners and amongst all those lovely clothes. It might sound like a waste of precious minutes but closing wardrobe doors and any drawers will go a long way in preventing any moth activity.
Scent repellant
You can also buy moth repellant cards from stores like Timpsons or Amazon. Definitely worth it, if you aren’t going to completely empty your wardrobe out each season.
Information about moths and holes in clothes or carpets is one of London’s most googled queries – moths are attracted to city lights.
If you have ever noticed little holes in a cashmere/wool jumper or cotton and silk item, it could be moth activity. Don’t blame your washing detergent or your machine. You need to investigate your wardrobe.
Here’s what to look for now at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer moving into Autumn you are looking for any tell tale signs of moths. Their shape is so different from a fly on the bedroom wall and once they’ve found a good spot they do tend to stay still. So when hoovering, remember to look up to tops of doors and ceilings and hoover up whatever is there.
And what to look for in the spring
A little worm/caterpillar like insect in the bedroom dangling by a thread, (less than a centimetre long and quite fine) or on your clothing or carpet. You might have seen one of these in the past and wondered what it was. I remember as a child thinking I had a silk worm hanging above my door frame.
They are ever so small which is why it’s so important to clean and prevent them.
It’s the classic Autumn and Spring Clean.
If you are putting your t-shirts and summer items away for the winter don’t forget to charity bag things that haven’t been worn. If you’ve gained a few sizes don’t hang on to everything. A wardrobe that’s easier to see inside, will mean clothes you get better use from.
Washing, ironing and hoovering is also the healthiest way of making sure you never have a bedbug or mite issue at home too.
Several reasons for this.
- If you remove moths from the house they never get the opportunity to establish a problem
- Simple hoovering, wiping and ironing will do the trick of keeping on top of things, and catch any other nasties like bed bugs before they become a problem too.Bed Bugs are currently a huge issue in Paris and London, particularly in the hotel scene where they’ve become resistant to chemicals! We got rid of them by the 1940’s by hoovering and ironing!
Whether you have seen evidence of moths or not, just give your wardrobe a twice yearly clear out. Empty everything out onto your bed. Thoroughly hoover the inside of the wardrobe, then wipe surfaces. Scent is good at dissuading insects from taking up residence, and you can use an essential oil such as mint or eucalyptus, cedar wood, or even our fragrance sprays to give your closets a quick spritz before you put the garments back.
Don’t forget to give your carpets or wool rugs a quick look over. If you are regularly hoovering there won’t be a problem. It is that simple.
Hotels and airlines – stop using chemicals to treat bed bugs..Get Hoovering!